
            Full text: The Joint Initiatives on the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Innovation Corridor Development

            lmcchina.org, March 11, 2024

            The Lancang-Mekong (LM) countries are characterized by land proximity, close kinship and kindred cultures. Based on years of good partnership, further improving the framework of science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation will promote the economic development and social progress, and build a community of shared future of peace and prosperity among LM countries. Following the principle of mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, equality and equity, inclusiveness, openness and sharing, and respect for the United Nation Charter, ASEAN Charter and international law, as well as in accordance with domestic laws, and regulations and procedure of each member country, the LM countries jointly propose the following initiatives:

            1. Further leverage the role of STI cooperation in various issues on LM regional cooperation, strengthen exchanges and dialogues on STI policies among LM countries, and step up in-depth cooperation on prioritized schemes such as training and exchange of researchers, joint research and development(R&D) program/platform, STI cooperation for poverty alleviation, industrial innovation, public health, digital and information technology, green technology, technology transfer, cooperation in innovation and entrepreneurship, etc.

            2. Strengthen STI talents exchanges. Encourage the exchange of talents through a variety of exchange programs, expand scientific and technological people-to-people exchanges. Enhance academic visiting and joint R&D, as well as the cultivation and capacity building of young STI talents.

            3. Leverage the role of STI in poverty alleviation cooperation. Share the successful practices and experiences on poverty alleviation among LM countries, promote cooperative development and application of advanced and appropriate technologies, support demands on poverty alleviation and people's livelihood improvement.

            4. Enhance STI cooperation to support industrial development. Explore establishment of networks of regional R&D hubs to support the development of economic and industrial zones of LM countries.

            5. Support STI cooperation in public health. Share experiences in cooperation against the COVID-19 pandemic, deepen S&T cooperation in public health, including vaccine R&D, epidemiology, digital enhanced medical technology, inclusive health technology etc., and contribute to regional safety for public health together.

            6. Deepen STI cooperation in digital area. Share experiences, best practices and expand innovative cooperation in emerging information technologies through joint R&D, technology demonstration, international training etc., empowering the digital economy development for LM countries.

            7. Improve green technology cooperation. Enhance cooperation in areas such as sustainable water resources, clean energy, ecological and environmental protection, accelerate the forming of regional low-carbon green industrial chains, and create the environment-friendly and innovation-driven economic growth model.

            8. Promote international cooperation in innovation, entrepreneurship, and start-up ecosystem. Organize various activities such as training, competitions, technology transfer, technology match-making events, start-up promotion, high-tech park cooperation, roadshows etc., to strengthen the exchange and interaction of innovation, entrepreneurship, academia and start-up elements among LM countries. Explore new service model of incubation, in a bid to establish a more vigorous regional innovation and entrepreneurship ecological system.

            9. Explore the possibility to establish a meeting mechanism for Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Innovation Corridor. Organize meetings on an as-needed basis to discuss prioritized topics such as STI policy coordination, emerging technology trends, STI cooperation platforms and projects etc. Encourage the participation of universities, research institutions, enterprises and other sectors to participate and establish cooperation mechanisms and platforms in various forms.

            10. The main focal points of LM countries on innovation corridor development are the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation of Kingdom of Cambodia, the Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R.China, the Ministry of Technology and Communications of Lao People's Democratic Republic, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation of Kingdom of Thailand and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Socialist Republic of Vietnam.